


: On Personal Sovereignty in the Digital Age… Many thought provoking aspects to this essay, Reclaiming Sovereignty in the Digital Age, by Paris …

: I saved this post to share with my non-designer friends as a succinct primer on presentations. …

: Design note for those who may not follow the WNBA: The New York Liberty team colors are black, …

: Switching from the NLCS to catch the 5 minute overtime starting now between NY & Minn. to decide …

: Just found our Harris/Walz sign about fifteen feet into the woods across the street. Repaired. …

: I am not apologizing for being up past midnight watching The Dave Matthews Band get inducted into …

: Did my election worker training tonight. In short, they take election integrity very seriously.

: Billionaires are why we can’t have nice things – a sensible climate policy, workers’ …

: I have so many tabs opened after chewing through Maggie Appleton’s A Brief History & Ethos of …

: Just got my replacement Apple Card. They did a nice job with the minimal and paper-based packaging. …

: In 1978, Soviet geologists stumbled upon a family of five in the taiga. They had been cut off from …

: Cars really rile up my 15-week old puppy. If one passes the yard while I have her out, she gets so …

: I can’t find a word I disagree with in this piece, What if our nation is not built for Climate …

: Apple Sports has been great I’ve been enjoying Apple’s Sports app. The live activities implementation is superb. I wish it would …

: I’m taking a call from a colleague who is generously sharing his input on the feature I’m designing. …

: TFW that design spec you’ve been working on for weeks finally gets presented to the full team and no …

: The thing I didn’t consider is that many areas Milton will cross has a ton of debris that came down …

: Interesting videos from the weekend… How Regenerative Braking Works — if you’d like see how EVs can recharge themselves, this guy built a …

: Sending out congratulations to Dave Winer for entering his thirtieth year of his blog, Scripting …

: Does anyone have any experience with helping older adults transition from passwords to passkeys? …

: Things I was thinking about today MKBHD is splitting revenues from his app with the app’s content creators, 50/50. Yet he has a …

: I just spent 5 minutes watching LinkedIn’s version of TikTok. Most of the content is not good. Save …

: I’ve played the drums for ~25 years, it took me until tonight to actually record at home for …

: While I was picking up groceries, I saw a Sprinter van drive by me labeled “Andover Mobile Town …

: Spitting rain, breezy, chilly. A positively English setting for my daughter’s soccer match …

: Could we capture carbon dioxide in the ocean (at a much larger scale than the ocean does naturally)? …

: Today the middle school play cast list is revealed. Will my daughters return home happy or …

: Trying Apple’s focus radio station (which I think is customized to each member?) this afternoon. So …

: iOS 18: I didn’t think there was something more frustrating than the icon rearrangement algorithm on …

: Updated my iPhone and iPad Pro (2018) to their new OSs, this afternoon. So far, so good.

: It’s September 15. I do not understand the Halloween decorations I’m seeing at a few houses around …

: Parents and spectators on the sidelines of youth soccer: the worst thing you can do for the …

: I stopped using Messages on Mac about 10yrs ago. Started again recently with my new MacBook Air. Is …

: Today is the 6th anniversary of the Merrimack Valley Gas Explosions. What a crazy time that was …

: Hey, ABC News, you should be embarrassed by how you allowed that man to yell about anything he …


: Not quite sure what’s happening at my kid’s school today…?

: Who had “Simone Biles’ husband scores a touchdown before NFL #1 pick QB Caleb Williams does for the …

: When Dick “Shotgun” Cheney thinks you’re too dangerous to vote for… that says something.

: Did the media learn nothing from its disastrous coverage of Trump and Clinton in 2016? | Rebecca …

: Apparently I’m not the only only person making a lot of use of their public library’s ebook lending… …

: Conditions were very ripe for a record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season, so where are the storms? …


: Spouse: “Smell my hands” Me: “This never ends well” (She had just harvested Lemon Balm and they …

: Is Penpot an opensource Figma alternative?

: Scenes from the Wood Islands, PEI (another latergram from our Canadian Maritimes road trip).

: I get that working with time zones sucks for developers. I’m here to tell you that it’s no walk in …

: View from the breakfast table, Brackley Beach, PEI, Canada (another latergram from our July trip)

: Annie Jacobsen on what would happen if North Korea launched a nuclear weapon at the US - 80,000 …

: You Don’t Really Need DC Fast Charging | Inside EVs …

: A very impressive week for Democrats.

: Left work early to take a shift driving the kids to activities. As they say, no good deed goes …

: Sitting within eyesight of a Verizon 5G ultra wideband tower. Run an OpenSignal speed test (which …

: Sitting Vice President versus former (non-consecutive) President. Who has the incumbency advantage?

: The last time Republicans won the popular vote for US Presidency was 2004 when G. W. Bush won with a …

: I have one and a half teenagers interested in starting a blog. Anyone helped their kids start? …

: Bike workshop concluded. Problem was a tear in the valve stem itself, so I couldn’t demonstrate how …

: Going to conduct a “how to change a bike tire/tube, and patch a flat” workshop for my kids. Somehow …

: Nation Wary Of Suddenly Usable Website The Onion | America’s Finest News Source. …

: My family and I recently took a road trip through the Canadian Maritimes provinces, and I am going …

: I am shocked that (a) they offered him the job, (b) that he took it. This could be very exciting, …

: I am a fan of anything with Hannah Ritchie in it. She’s so good at using data to show the urgency of …

: Good luck to LA in matching this. Paris seemed to have done a fantastic job stick job with the …

: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be …

: The things that kill me are Apple’s self-inflicted wounds. I think the EU has some things …

: Both French teams have a lot to be proud of. Played out of their minds in front of their home fans. …

: I’m not sure FIBA got the memo that basketball is a non-contact sport. This women’s final is a …

: I walk by a world map in my office (when I have to come to the office 😒) and today I noticed… …

: Somehow I missed that one of my favorite bands, Soulive has a new album.

: Last night, we crossed the border on our way home. I was in the U.S. for 15 minutes when a black …

: We’re road tripping across The Canadian Maritimes in our EV. We’ve been spending our …

: Designers, devs, product managers: please test your products in low-bandwidth situations! Your …

: My wife loved Anne of Green Gables, a story of a little girl on PEI in the 1800s. Today we are …

: Charging adapter I paid extra to get here before our road trip—which starts this morning—still …

: Thank you, Joe I want to express my deep gratitude for Joe Biden. I had no doubt he would be a good president. I …

: Let’s go Kamala

: Not a fan of the Tour de France ending with a time trial. I turned it off this morning, in favor of …

: Feel-good Productivity is worth reading I just finished a book by YouTuber (And Cambridge-educated MD) Ali Abdaal called Feel-good …

: The moment ends, but I feel winds…

: Finally decided to actually delete Twitter from my phone. It had only been for following links for …

: I came here to post a cute question about why people love dragonflies and hate other insects… but …

: What was so bad with the word “request” that people had to turn “ask” into a noun?

: Southgate gets a lot of crap as England manager, but he’s got England in their second Euro …

: This is why people think companies are using AI stupidly. (Or hate AI altogether.)

: My newest stance on Biden’s age and health: If the party wants him to step down, Nancy Pelosi …

: Congrats to our French brothers and sisters for holding of a right wing extremist take over of their …

: Tomorrow morning my 15 year old starts Drivers Ed. I figured he could use a little practical …

: Love that the TdF added gravel this year. It’s driving me a little crazy that Bobke keeps calling …

: I’d like to participate in political polls, but I don’t trust anyone who texts me from …

: I always find these types of things fun to go through. The URL speaks for itself. …

: Changing settings left’n’right on Microdotblog today. If you’re reading this from …

: One of the things I love in July is waking up and putting the Tour de France on. I haven’t …

: Something entitled, "Thoughts 2020 Aug 1" I was digging through my Apple Notes looking for something else, and stumbled into this, in a folder …

: On the aftermath of Joe Biden's less than stellar June 2024 debate. It’s been several days since the Joe Biden debate debacle. A couple of new crises— aggressive …

: US Soccer (USMNT) has more talent than ever. Is it Berhalter? I’m not sure it’s his fault? 2026 is …

: After today’s Supreme Court ruling, the majority should be indicted as Trump’s co-conspirators after …

: Always proud to support my ancestors’ football team, but my Danes had a tough draw trying to …

: Typically if I am not doing my “day job”, I am not using a desktop (laptop). My personal Mac was …

: The Supreme Court is officially broken. They just broke how the Federal Gov’t has worked since the …

: At this point I’d vote for a chatbot trained on Joe Biden speeches over anyone put up by the …

: If my choice is between a man that has trouble with public speaking, and a convicted criminal who …

: Inspired by this video last night, No ride is too short, I took a lunchtime ride. What I thought was …

: This Celtics team epitomizes what the Boston area really appreciates with its character. There is no …

: I know he’s 80+, and I know that he gets harsh criticism over how Israel is conducting their …

: In bloom

: I don’t think anyone can pass judgement on this based on a presentation. We’ll have to dig deeper to …

: Pretty excited about these Apple Intelligence announcements. But now we wait for two things. Reports …

: So naturally, my first thoughts are, “I should get a new bike, this one’s nearly 15 years old. I …

: Took my first bike ride in over a year, a longer time away than I ever would have imagined (for …

: It’s been 20(?) years of video auto playing on web pages, and I’ve yet to find a person who likes …

: Tesla’s stock down 29% and now it’s own CEO is trying to divert some it’s very hard to get AI chips …

: Please please please… “Tesla CEO Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, …

: I have a lot of respect for LeBron. Undeniably a top-5 all time player. But he said of former …

: Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, and maybe it shouldn’t be remarkable, but Google Meet does a really …

: If you found out today, definitely, that you are living in a simulation, what if anything would you …

: The pollen outside right now is unreal. There’s a light green fog visible at the end of my …

: On the off chance that you or one of your friends is a talented Windows developer (C# and WPF), one …

: The 45th President of the United States has never faced meaningful consequences for his actions in …

: Current status: 1. Home internet broken. Tech due this afternoon to replace equipment. 2. Using 1 …

: Micro cairn

: How is banning TikTok from mobile app stores a violation of the first amendment? There are a variety …

: Misunderstood genius? Or simply misunderstood? A fine line between these and “am I just …

: “Hey Siri, play today’s Weather Wisdom podcast.” “Now playing ‘Humble’ by Kendrick Lamar.”

: Proof that NPR sponsorships work, I heard this sponsor and thought “that exists?” and immediately …

: Saw a neighbor about quarter mile up the road flying a Grateful Dead flag. Made my day. I hope it’s …

: Even if you’re not a Phish fan, you may well enjoy this CBS interview with Trey Anastasio …

: Massachusetts both “Best” and “Most Expensive” while “Affordable”? In a study released in January, Massachusetts was named Best State to raise a family, based on a …

: It’s 11:50PM ET, do you know where your children are? I’m in bed. My son is in his bed. My 13yo …

: Just shuttered the Google Workspace account I’ve had since 2007 for personal email. It was hard to …

: 🏆Huskies🏆#5🏆and #6 Back🏆to🏆Back🏆

: Full self driving has its vocal critics and its supporters. I have a few days of FSD experience in a …

: Big day on tap: 94% solar eclipse around 3PM, and then staying up late to watch my Huskies defend …

: Proud of my Huskies tonight. Played a tough game against a strong team playing at their hottest. …

: Really enjoyed this YouTube video from Molly White on editing Wikipedia, who I have learned is more …

: UConn and Iowa delivered a championship battle, and at the end the refs inserted themselves, instead …

: I felt the New Jersey earthquake all the way up in northeast Massachusetts.

: UConn went on a 30–0 run after half time. Has that ever been done?

: After another great UConn performance, I didn’t get to watch the night’s final two match ups, and it …

: Dried mango: borderline addictive. 🥭

: I will take the NCAA Basketball Tournament over any other sporting event in the world. 1. March …

: Have to give a 20 minute presentation to seventh graders on my career as a designer. I have probably …

: Politics used to be fun. Even moderately productive. Now it’s existential.

: RTO doesn’t improve company value, but does make employees miserable: Study — Ars Technica

: Portland Head Light on a blustery and clear February day.

: “I’m giving up TikTok for Lent.” “OMG. Me too!” –two eighth grade girls

: Usher can sure put on a show. Surprised he’s the 1st to have a marching band considering the long …

: I always poopoo’d propane tank exchange programs. Thought it was safer to take care of my own …

: Not a fan of political parties burning millions on baseless investigations that do not pursue …

: “The phone gives us a lot but it takes away three key elements of discovery: loneliness, …

: How is it that I take daily medicines and supplements, and also forget to take my medicines and …

: What email providers are people using who have their own domains? I’m looking to switch my account …

: Feel as though I should get paid time and a half for any features I work on that involve timezones. …

: Untitled

: Spent a couple hours this afternoon trying to play Radiohead’s Weird Fishes with my son. I, playing …

: Winter pro tip: if you put moisturizer on your hands after washing your hands in the bathroom… open …

: If I have to be at my desk working all day, at least a slow, steady snowfall makes it more pleasant.

: Tonight’s NFL playoff game is exclusively streamed on Peacock, not publicly available. I don’t think …

: Very fortunate to get my first Tyne-Wear derby in eight years, this morning.

: Day one of holiday break. Starts with not sleeping in, because the kids aren’t on break til …

: A night in town.

: Stumbled over this past gem doing a web search for something totally unrelated today… Run Your …

: The first step in “trust the process”: “have a process”.

: Happy Inbox Explosion Day. At least one of my messages is honest, subject: “Cue Retail Armageddon”.

: This piano has been our family for a while. My mother’s grandparents bought it for her and her …

: 1987’s “It’s Arbor Day, Charlie Brown” doesn’t get the respect it, and its jazz fusion sound track, …

: You could make worse decisions on your lunch break than typing “The Chicken” into your streaming …

: Sunday morning: fried egg on toasted sourdough. Tomatoes, fried onions, tomato, jalapeño, parsley …

: I wonder how much of my day is spent waiting for Mural to load. I also wonder if it’s my corp’s SSO, …

: Parking spots are labeled “Reserved for Low Emissions Vehicles”

: Nice piece on “Post on your own site syndicate everywhere” which includes featuring which …

: Broken I’ve said it before, the Republican Party is completely broken. To get America functioning …

: Decorative gourd season

: It dawned on me this morning that since 2007 when I joined Twitter I would have turned to that …

: If I don’t blog about Rick Rubin’s book, remind me me to. It’s fantastic.

: Toooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!! #nufc #HTL #UCL One of the greatest nights at St. James’ Park history.

: “We can’t even agree on the leader of our majority in the House of Representatives, but you should …

: This Russian Family Lived Alone in the Siberian Wilderness for 40 Years, Unaware of World War II or …

: WatchOS 10 Timer app Feedback Apple’s feedback form has a character limit. My feedback on the watchOS 10 Timer app was triple the …

: Current status: crushing Apple’s servers.

: A real shame to lose Molly Holzschlag at only 60. Made a real impact on the development of the …

: I am sitting tonight doing some rare evening work with my MacBook Pro in my lap (99% of the time I’m …

: Newcastle are closing the gap on Manchester City. But they’re not there yet. Still, optimism.

: I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all…

: I hate all this college sports conference realignment. It’s ruining the fun of college sports. …

: If “X” isn’t going to use “Twitter” brand IP any more, maybe Bluesky could buy it? Musk could …

: Denmark 2023 Yesterday I returned from a trip with my family to Denmark. My great-grandfather immigrated to the …

: I wonder how much the credit card industry will lose on transaction fees as EV adoption climbs and …

: Took a few minutes to see if there was anything I actually needed on Prime Day. There’s like 10 …

: We think the world should work the way we see it. We let people, not results, guide our behavior. …

: “Comparison is the thief of joy” — via Mandaris Moore. Origin of the quote is murky, according to …

: My friend’s daughter calls our shared private Slack group “Boomer Discord” and now I can’t stop …

: Had an outing July 3rd to Long Hill in Beverly and Woodman’s in Essex. Some walking and some classic …

: “Like the big tree that fell last March, the death of a huge human being like Jerry Garcia …

: Silo My wife and I discovered Silo this week on AppleTV+ when looking for a show we could watch with the …

: Peanut butter ice cream may be underrated.

: Started reading Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey on a lark today. It’s literally just …

: We’ve been subscribed to the New York Times (digital only) for a few years, when we discovered they …

: Greta 2006–2023


: Newcastle back to Europe! It’s been a long time since we’ve seen the Champions League. (‘03–‘04) …

: The new Twitter everyone:

: YouTube TV is a fantastic service, but it only takes one playoff game where the fourth quarter is …

: Listen to Marc Tarpenning, co-founder of Tesla, tell his story from the founding as a stealth …

: This “Nature Valley” granola bar I’m eating, below its ingredients says “Contains Bioengineered Food …

: When did Apple start using these rating pop ups for their built in apps? I thought it was frowned …

: Sometimes an “obvious” thing is only obvious when seen in the right context, or by the …

: Received my EV’s title from Massachusetts RMV today. It describes the vehicle as a “Zero Cylinder, 5 …

: Get used to that fight song again in men’s basketball. UConn is BACK. 🖐🏻

: I know I just complained about not being able to watch the Red Sox opening day, but given the score …

: I’m sitting in my office, listening to incredibly loud jet engines, I’m trying to figure out what’s …

: Spring

: How I Bought a Tesla When I Said I Wouldn’t [You wanted 2,500 words on my first 2 weeks of owning my first electric vehicle, right? You’ve been …

: Drove through a nor’easter to buy an EV today.

: This is heart attack snow. Wow. As heavy as anything I’ve ever shoveled. Going to do a snowblower …

: Seems like all this time NORAD was tweaking their systems to track Santa, perhaps they should have …

: TIL that in 2021 Turkey requested the UN use its Turkish name “Türkiye” when referring to their …

: This beautiful gift of attention that we human beings have is being hijacked to pay attention to …

: If I am not mistaken, this is the coldest I can remember being outside in.

: Emulating Processes — How far can it take you? I came across a tweet about integrating the UX process into the Agile development process. If you’ve …

: New addition to the office

: Boebert and Gaetz learned this tactic from Sinema and Manchin.

: Was watching a musician YouTube video last night that featured Sting’s music. This morning all I can …

: Just a Few Things Last year, against David Allen’s precept to keep all your to-dos in a single system, I decided …

: Who else is shocked the anti-government party is bad at governing?

: Scary Pockets coming to The Paradise in Boston, in April…

: Graupel in the yard this morning. ❄️ #mawx

: While I was sick last week I finally watched the movie Moneyball, which I’m only 11 years late to. I …

: It’s been a week I presume it was the flu that had me so miserable for two days, and then recovering the next three …

: I am sorry for people who do not derive joy from competition like this. What a wonderful game.

: Extra Time in the World Cup Final? I am the winner this year. ⚽️❤️

: 😶‍🌫️ Day 4 with what I think is a flu. Trying to work. This must be what they call “brain …

: Christmas cactus

: I take my elderly dog out between 9–10pm nightly, so she can make it through the night without an …

: Spring Cleaning in December The other day, I opened up Safari and asked myself, what am I doing with these hundred bookmarks …

: The Shipping Forecast My lovely wife occasionally likes to fall asleep listening to a sleep story on the Calm app. Her …

: Functional Music You should consider using music beyond just listening to your favorite artists. Most people listen …

: Three drummers in the house now. This means we buy sticks in bulk.

: This mini boulder in my front yard is showing signs of erosion.

: FCC Broadband App allows you to tell the FCC if you’re getting what your provider claims is available. I learned of the FCC Broadband Map today, which you can help build by downloading the FCC Speed Test …

: Going through my recently-followed Mastodon accounts for people I followed on Twitter with whom I …

: One of the most annoying American things is “how to fix soccer” which is by far the world’s most …

: Links of Note — 28 November Trying this type of post again. I always find so many things, and forget to log them here. …

: Congrats to our friends in Canada on your first ever World Cup goal! ⚽️ 🇨🇦

: I’ve been on the internet—probably daily—since the mid-nineties. Today is the first time I bought …

: Spirited on AppleTV+ (and in theaters?) is a modern reimagining of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and …

: Sad to hear of the passing Philip Keyes, the first director of the New England Mountain Bike …

: Director's Commentary I’ve been thinking about why I took a few months to publish my Tesla review, and I think I figured …

: My Long Awaited Summer Road Trip Tesla Model Y Rental Review This summer, I spent a week in Washington, D.C. with a Tesla Model Y rental from Hertz. I wanted to …

: Thinking through my sites I’ve had a lot of blogs over the years. One I created with my college roommate from the CMS up in …

: 🫡

: Our HomeKit automations have been haphazard since iOS 16 was launched into the wild. This morning I …

: Exit voting polls found that one in eight midterm voters were under 30, and 61% of those between the …

: I wonder, with almost all of Apple’s hardware incorporating aluminum, where they rank in the world …

: IA Writer is my favorite text editor. Distinct, opinionated, strong visual sense, and most …

: Two thoughts on learning Derek Sivers delivered a speech at The Berklee School of Music in 2008 that I came across the other …

: New wood stove day. Will be much cleaner and efficient than our old one. Getting a major chimney …

: What a game at St. James park today. Amazing to watch Newcastle firing on all cylinders. What a way …

: I was delighted to learn that a friend of my is also a a member of the Dean Allen (RIP) fan club …

: Georgia could save themselves a lot of run-off expenses and delay if they would just implement …

: I’m no minister, but if I were, my church would be the woods. #mbnov

: Newcastle give me a penalty shootout win in the League Cup as a birthday present tonight! #NUFC #HTL

: One of the more thought provoking posts discussing the long term goals and effects of the Twitter …

: My favorite color in our yard is this certain shade of red of our Japanese maple.

: NightWare is a digital therapeutic system […] for Apple Watch to disrupt nightmares related to PTSD …

: I cannot understand how I can vote at a single location for entire town of 28,000 and it takes me 5 …

: Very busy at our town’s only voting location at rush hour tonight, but it’s always super efficient.

: I’m not sure I can even watch the news this evening. I have a foreboding feeling about tonight’s …

: I’m a big soccer fan, but I don’t follow MLS closely. I stumbled over the MLS Cup this evening and …

: The Massachusetts middle school cross-country state championships are held at a decommissioned …

: I’ve taken most election coverage in the past two weeks as a license to panic. This story on 538 …

: I attended a meeting in our company’s office today. I think there were possibly ten people in …

: Confused/optimistic: does this post about Mastodon mean I can use my instance as my …

: I need to figure out how to post regularly online. It’s not about the posting, it’s …

: Potato harvest!

: NYT: The BBC has suspended regular programming and shifted to continuous news coverage of Queen …

: Marshall Point Lighthouse, Port Clyde, ME

: Reagan Airport is the worst thing about visiting DC. You can’t be anywhere downtown, especially the …

: Jefferson and a bird, a man and a mountain

: The Air & Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport has three things I’ve always wanted …

: Stage one of our all-electric trip to DC

: Bass drum maintenance night. New batter head, new beaters for the double pedal.

: Mystic

: It’s the last day of elementary school for this family.

: Who sets gas prices?

: Bloom!

: Is it just me, or is the bass clarinet having a moment? I think I first heard it in popular music a …


: I really loved this series on Weird Internet Careers by Gretchen McCulloch. I could certainly read a …


: Found this very interesting… a music school bought a record label: A New Model for a Music …

: When I mentioned to my son that I was finally going to go and see Trey Anastasio after listening to …

: Have a nice trip, Jason Jason Kottke is taking a sabbatical from his landmark blog. Kottkedotorg holds a lot of meaning to …

: “Nothing is invented and perfected at the same time.” — John Ray

: I started working through Gaddiments by Steve Gadd tonight. I spent maybe 45 minutes on page 1, …

: Be very wary of what you grant access to on your smartphones, folks… Anomaly Six Demo’d Surveillance …


: RIP Taylor Hawkins, a drummer’s perspective Devastated to hear of the loss of rock great Taylor Hawkins. My heart goes out to his family and his …

: Coyote tracks in the snow

: Has anyone tried custom domains for iCloud email yet?

: In honor of the Blizzard of ‘22, we made Challah French Toast. It was wonderful.

: Oh, no. My favorite basketball player of all-time is an anti-vaxxer 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m so embarrassed. …

: Links of Note -- 16 January 2022 This past week I’ve had significant trouble getting my weather station software to run on …

: The world isn’t changed by the perfect people. It’s changed by the people who show up.

: Links of Note — 8 January 2022 I have begun a concerted effort to retain links that I have found worthy of sending to friends and …

: Resolve 2022 — On the Web Edition I’ve never been one to make New Years resolutions, but there are things lately I’ve resolved to work …

: College Doesn’t Prepare the Workforce (Also, That’s Not it’s Job) My pal AK writes about higher ed topics. I am behind with my RSS, and just now spotted his piece Cut …

: The End of an Era, the Start of the Next This week, my parents sold their mom-and-pop hardware store, Christiansen Hardware, after ~27 years. …

: Frosty autumn morning

: October Music The last month has been full of music. Before I get into all the new-to-me stuff I came across, I …

: It’s that time of year where parents look up how to do double digit multiplication and long …

: I somehow found my self discussing “Drums + Space” with my manager’s boss today in a 1 on 1, and I …

: Summer flowering.

: If you’re having a tough day, and perhaps your tools are letting you down, take solace in the story …

: Closing in on 9 inches of rain for July, according to my rain gauge. #mawx

: There is no right way …every piece of advice is a starting point, a proposition for you to say “Yes” or “No” to. And each …

: Reality is Messy Over-optimization is a problem. foundational UX work doesn’t […] lend itself to predictable, …

: Pickering Wharf, Salem, Mass.

: The Talent to Use Your Talent I was listening to Ezra Klein interview Jeff Tweedy, about creativity and creation, and Jeff’s …

: My kids are home all summer because my wife works in K-12 public education. They just returned from …

: Massachusetts finally has the iOS/Android Exposure Notifications enabled. The emergency orders were …

: Creatively Stalled Yesterday, I had the opportunity to do whatever I wanted to do for the morning. I had been telling …

: I’m no Chelsea fan, but I can really get behind Christian Pulisic on the pitch for the Champions …

: “Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.” —Carl Jung

: New AppleTV 4K arrived this afternoon. I looked at the instructions in the box, which read, …

: Conspiracy theory: my dog is constantly under foot in the kitchen because she hopes I trip on her …

: Spring is in the air! No—quite literally I see so much pollen, floating debris, etc. flying outside …

: First day back on the trails for 2021, and I sure did miss it.

: Had a 2hr presentation to my manager’s new boss today about our product. The entire time this one …

: Finished season 2 of For All Mankind last night. Still thinking about Tracy and Gordo 😬.

: Plum Island, Mass., this past Saturday.

: Completely without context, I told my wife that the title of the podcast episode I was listening to …

: We had an rare visitor to our backyard this morning, Great Blue Heron.

: Yesterday my lunchtime walk was in 70° weather, almost wore just a t-shirt. Today, lunchtime walk …

: I cannot help but see parallels between the failed European football Superleague and Brexit. Except, …

: Recent Links of Note - April 17, 2021 Sometimes doing something impactful isn’t the result of being more clever, sometimes it’s just …

: Today marks the milestone where all my children are in double digits.

: Downloaded the Oregon Trail reboot, that Apple Arcade recently released, on our Apple TV and …

: Apple placing the “Rest to Open” TouchID message directly overtop of the battery level indicator on …

: Adorable story out of Iceland: A Tiny Icelandic Town Campaigns for the Oscars

: If you’re screensharing with me, and you have 32 tabs open, it’s going to make me anxious.

: Messenger RNA technology might kick-start a new age of vaccines (Podcast; full transcript available) …

: Turned on my “Get Up” mix playlist on Apple Music this morning. The first half hour was random EDM …

: You can watch a livestream of a stop sign that’s occasionally obeyed in Salem, Mass. on Twitch. …

: Recent Links of Note - March 21, 2021 Starting a new series of posts here tonight, gathering links I’ve been browsing that don’t need …

: Unless your father is also on your sports team, “Jr.” doesn’t belong on your uniform. Change my …

: This is the first year I haven’t filled out an NCAA March Madness bracket since, perhaps middle …

: Twitter recently added the capability to add alt text to images uploaded to the service for …

: “It’s weirdly hard to follow people by the actual website that they actually own.” — @jmartucci …

: Comparing today’s homepage headers of The National Weather Service and The Storm Prediction Center.

: If the minimum wage had grown since the 70s along with the increases in worker productivity… it …

: That… was the first time I’ve received a robocall for a school committee candidate. I already voted. …

: Perhaps the last day I’ll be walking for the season where I need dress for near-zero windchill.

: The Great Reopening Debate I’m tired of the back to school debate. People treat this as if it’s black and white. I …

: Adieu HomePod We love our one HomePod (full size) in the kitchen. It feels heavy like a good speaker should. It …

: I’m one week into my experiment, and was looking up if I might be able to create a …

: It’s 55°F out, it’s lunchtime walk time, and I have no idea how to dress for this. My mind is still …

: Moved from working in my office to the couch next to the wood stove in the basement, in the late …

: Pandemic Haircuts are not just needed by humans 🐕

: The color of this Earl Grey in the sunlight.

: Cal Newport Interview on the Ezra Klein Show: Stop. Breathe. We Can’t Keep Working Like This We were promised, with the internet, a productivity revolution. We were told that we’d get more …

: Newsletters via Feed Readers When I am in my inbox, I’m not in a mindset of reading for pleasure, or for learning. My inbox …

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