You Don’t Really Need DC Fast Charging |

  1. This is how we survived outside of the DC Fast Charging (DCFC) world in Nova Scotia.
  2. ABC (“Always be charging”) only works if L2 chargers are available where you plan to be for a while. While in Canada, the National Parks had six plugs that shared 3 power sources. If all are in use, you looking at 5–10 miles added per hour charging. If you show up and all the spots are taken, you’re out of luck, because the people in those spots may not be back for hours. Or even worse, you could be ICE’d out.
  3. Their math feels off. For me, Supercharging usually matches my home price/kWh. Sometimes it’s 10¢ higher. The price they quote for home power is way lower than mine, and their DCFC price is significantly higher than what I’ve paid.
  4. Broadly, I agree with the gist that people shouldn’t see a fast charger as a gas pump. We should embrace “trickle charging”—I’m surprised that they didn’t mention it’s theoretically easier on the battery, too.
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