I saved this post to share with my non-designer friends as a succinct primer on presentations.

(start) from a standpoint of (…) empathy and perspective.

Stop overusing formatting!(…)The same goes for colors and fonts. Pick one, or maybe two.

Worth it to see the table formatting gif alone.

Design note for those who may not follow the WNBA: The New York Liberty team colors are black, white, pale green, and their uniforms have copper trim. The Statue of Liberty is clad in oxidized copper whose patina is that shade of pale green.

Switching from the NLCS to catch the 5 minute overtime starting now between NY & Minn. to decide the WNBA Finals.

Just found our Harris/Walz sign about fifteen feet into the woods across the street.

Repaired. Placed in a more visible position for our window. Trail cam loans accepted.

I am not apologizing for being up past midnight watching The Dave Matthews Band get inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Live.

Did my election worker training tonight. In short, they take election integrity very seriously.

Billionaires are why we can’t have nice things – a sensible climate policy, workers’ rights, a functional Supreme Court and legislatures that answer to the people, rather than deep-pocketed donors.

I have my quibbles with CD, but he’s got this one straight.

I have so many tabs opened after chewing through Maggie Appleton’s A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden I’ve been fascinated by ideas like these since I learned about Vannevar Bush’s information ideas in college. I really love blogs, I don’t think we need to dump one for another.

Just got my replacement Apple Card. They did a nice job with the minimal and paper-based packaging. To activate the new card, you just tap your phone on the package, and an AirPods-style modal appears. One tap to activate. The package then becomes the return envelope to recycle your old card.

In 1978, Soviet geologists stumbled upon a family of five in the taiga. They had been cut off from almost all human contact since fleeing religious persecution in 1936.

I don’t know why, but I am often drawn to, and fascinated by stories like these.

Cars really rile up my 15-week old puppy. If one passes the yard while I have her out, she gets so aggressive one might think her a 15-minute city urbanist!

I can’t find a word I disagree with in this piece, What if our nation is not built for Climate Change.

We should start now, buying people out of damaged areas on the condition they move to known-safer areas because we can’t as a nation subsidize people rebuilding in places that are risky to their lives, throws our tax money into the flood waters. Turn the newly bought risky land into public conservation lands to absorb the shock, and improve green space at the same time. I’m not saying it’ll be easy.

I’m taking a call from a colleague who is generously sharing his input on the feature I’m designing. Halfway through, my 15-week old puppy walks across the room and begins to slowly 💩 in front of me. Helpless, there was nothing I could but watch with a dismayed face. 😔

TFW that design spec you’ve been working on for weeks finally gets presented to the full team and no one finds major flaws 😁 I continue to push us in a direction where devs are more collaborative in the design, so the specs are almost unneeded when the feature is “done”. But change can be slow.

The thing I didn’t consider is that many areas Milton will cross has a ton of debris that came down during Helene that they won’t be able to move in time. That stuff could all become projectiles.

Sending out congratulations to Dave Winer for entering his thirtieth year of his blog, Scripting News. In honor of Dave and all his contributions to blogging, his creation of RSS and OPML, and of course podcasting, I am making a blog post without a title.

Does anyone have any experience with helping older adults transition from passwords to passkeys? (Apple devices in this situation)

I just spent 5 minutes watching LinkedIn’s version of TikTok. Most of the content is not good. Save yourself.

I’ve played the drums for ~25 years, it took me until tonight to actually record at home for someone else’s track. Feels good. I would love to do more of this.

While I was picking up groceries, I saw a Sprinter van drive by me labeled “Andover Mobile Town Hall”—which was a thing I’ve never heard of before. Apparently it’s funded by a state grant.

Spitting rain, breezy, chilly. A positively English setting for my daughter’s soccer match this morning. (Plus I have the BBC Newcastle play by play in one year. Hopefully her team won’t be as rubbish as NUFC are playing so far)

Could we capture carbon dioxide in the ocean (at a much larger scale than the ocean does naturally)? Yes, and it seems a “free” byproduct is “green hydrogen” (hydrogen produced as a fuel without carbon combustion) Let’s hope this is a breakthrough.

Today the middle school play cast list is revealed. Will my daughters return home happy or distraught?

Trying Apple’s focus radio station (which I think is customized to each member?) this afternoon. So far, it’s playing the type of music I would work to.

iOS 18: I didn’t think there was something more frustrating than the icon rearrangement algorithm on the homepage, but iOS 18’s new customizable control center hollers “hold my beer”🤯

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍