
What’s a Now Page?

Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.
—Derek Sivers,


The kids are getting so big, one’s about to start driving 😬 and have a full schedule of sports and arts. This is my number one thing in my non-work life.

Recently got a new drum kit that’s much more compact that would be much easier to bring to small venue gigs. It’s also a lower-end kit so I don’t have to worry about my son practicing with it or bringing it to gigs himself. I need to figure out a better way to keep it set up at home without everyone needing noise-cancelling headphones. Right now it kind dominates my home office/guest room. Hopefully I can get some friends over to play some music. It’s been much too long.

In personal projects, I’ve really gotten back into the indie web and am working on building out this site. Eventually I’ll have sections for my design writing and portfolio. I’m enamored with my host, It feels so close to what I think most people should have for a personal site (not just a blog), but a hub of their digital lives. You can participate in the indie web without having to be a developer yourself (but you can extend it further if you have the interest)


At work, I’ve been leading the designs on our newest enterprise products, which is keeping me busy. My current project and our next project have AI components which is my first experience using them in something I’m building. We have some neat tools internally, and we have some compelling ideas for features that can really assist our customers. (Don’t worry, we don’t make your forecasts with Gen AI. Although there is a small component of traditional AI involved.)

There’s a lot of blow back about Gen AI online (nothing to do with our products), but there are some promising and positive things happening, too. I’m cautiously optimistic about AI as a human assistant, we (humanity) just have to get the ethics, business models, and regulation right… and we need to get there pretty soon.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍